Wednesday, April 8, 2015


Today I decided to pay attention to all the advertisements I saw in one day. What I noticed was a shocking amount of advertisements that interest the self. Our society has become extremely self consumed, a majority of advertisements focusing on how we can make ourselves better, prettier, or anything else our culture is telling us to be. Throughout the day I saw advertisements claiming that their product would make the public happy in some way. This becomes a major problem when society begins to consume themselves with the idea that having all these products, or being skinnier or prettier, would make them happy. Another problem that I noticed throughout the day was the amount of advertisements for food, specifically unhealthy food. Food advertisements are a major contribution to obesity in America as advertisements consistently claim that their products will make the consumer happier, which causes the public to want to go spend money on fast food or other unhealthy products. Overall, although advertising is a great expression of the creativity and culture of America, it leads our society to become overly self-focused and selfish.

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